Hello, I’m Nicola.
How lovely to see you here. Come in, there’s lots of room.
I started writing semi-professionally when I was five. One thing led to another, and I now have four children’s books published: ‘Bloom’, ‘Storm’, ‘Starboard‘, and most recently ‘Giant‘.
I live near Bristol in the UK, and according to the Chinese Zodiac, am a Fire Snake, which I only mention because it sounds sort of cool. But don’t worry, there aren’t any snakes in this website. (I tried to get some in, but health and safety said ‘no’.)
What you will find is some things about me, my books, my copywriting, events, mentoring that I also do, and that one time I was on the radio with Michael Rosen.
Enjoy your visit. And please get in touch if you want to talk about snakes, booking me, or any other exciting things like that.